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I'm recently so in the mood for posting lavish and colourful images. I'd post some better quality and theme images if I were a better photographer... However I don't think this is my cup of tea and I believe all I can do is take 'diary' pictures - just to keep track of what I was impressed and inspired by... I very much admire people who are able to develop their own photographic style and have a concept - one needs to have talent for that. You probably noticed that my blog is very much about visual way of expression, I think I've been neglecting the 'written word' for quite some time now...I'm very curious to know your thoughts about this. Do you prefer to read the text or do you prefer to see the images? What approach are you taking towards your own blogs? For me blogs are mostly about seeing things, of course I do read as well, but images are playing a huge role in perception for me.
Curiously, there is a theory that we could be roughly divided into 3 groups as far as the ways we learn are concerned. There are the so-called 'visual' people who learn by seeing things (if you want to teach such a person something, make a Power Point presentation, provide schemes, handouts, etc). The second group is 'auditory' learners who learn by hearing things (listening to a lecture for example, learning the language by listening to tapes) and the third (apparently the smallest) group are the people called kinesthetic learners, who learn by actually doing things. If you want to teach such people something you actually need to let them do that and they would quickly learn by trial and error.
So what kind of a person are you? I wish I was 3 in one - that would be a great combination... But I guess I'm a very strong visual plus quite good auditory learner - I guess I would score lowest in learning by doing...