It has been a while since my last post... You know how the last days before vacation can get too hectic and there is hardly even time to get packed and be off! So this is what happened to us last Friday - straight after work we headed to the airport... and then spent a very nice evening with
TI, ZÉ and Miguel in Lisbon. Portugal is amazing! It is impossible to describe all the impressions in short - I wouldn't be able to stop ;)!!..
Image by ArekI'm taking a little vacation from blogging and will be back in a week's time full of impreessions and many new wonderful things to post about. Meanwhile do visit TI at
Viagens pelo Mundo - a great travel blog with lots of useful information and interesting facts (there is an easy option of switching to English). I will be back soon! :)
Hello Olga.
I noticed you wrote your blog by Japanese on June 24th.
Amelie, pretty cute girl, is アメリ? It is very good handwriting!
“幸せになる” means “To become happy”.
You may know everything. :)
If you are interested in Japanese character, please read my blog on June 29th.
See you.
Have a nice time wherever you are!
Have a great break!
Well as long as you are not leaving forever!! :P Have a good time!!!
Um forte e um super abraço.
Parabéns pelo seu trabalho.
A super strong and a hug.
Congratulations for your work.
Hello dear Olga and Arek,
As always, here I am visiting your blog just to tell you that I already miss you a lot. It was wonderful to receive you at my home and to have the opportunity of sharing with you a fantastic week. It was a privilege to know you and you are always invited to stay with us, whenever you want. I know you liked Portugal and that my country surprised you with all the good things it has to offer. I’m very happy for that. Love TI
Hi Olga,
I know that you've been full of work, nevertheless this is just to send you a hug and to tell you that, in spite of your lack of time to post, your blog has still lots of beautiful pictures which are worthwhile to revisit. Hope everything goes well at work. Almost leaving for holidays again I leave you our love. TI
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