It turns out I actually almost never posted about my last summer travels to - what people would usually call 'Eastern Europe' - but I'd prefer calling them trips to Russia and back home - to Belarus. Ok, in fact I wrote one post about Kaliningrad here - check it out it was really educational for me... And now it's been already more than half a year since these trips, however the memories - especially about Saint Petersburg - are still as bright as if it happened last week.
Saint Peter's is a truly wonderful place, definitely a cultural capital of Russia, as opposed to Moscow, which is a political one. We especially chose to go during last days of June to be able to visit during the time of white nights - the nights when it never gets completely dark in northern latitudes. I have loads of photos from the streets, palaces, canals and museums of St. Peter's - but here are some I love the most, captured during that strange time of the year, when walking the city's streets and roaming the canals becomes especially magical.

Photos by Olga & Arek
Wonderful pictures that look like they captured the essence of a white night.
This is the first time I'm hearing about it -- Thank You!!! But I bet it is nothing like experiencing it for yourself :)
Also, never been to Russia. Would LOVE to go!
Este blog es todo un deleite para mis ojos y mis oídos, excelente combinación de música e imágenes.
Yo solamente he conocido dos países fuera del mío y por tus fotos creo que San Petersburgo tiene cierto parecido con las tardes en Londres, cuando el sol se ha puesto y el Támesis recorre impresionantes construcciones antiguas que nos pueden trasladar en el tiempo, aunque en este caso, si no me equivoco, se trata del río Nevá y de un azul muy profundo que se mezcla con el resplandor dorado de los edificios iluminados como por una aura de majestuosidad.
En cuanto a Political Avant-Gardes ciertamente al ser de ese modo gobernados perdemos nuestra dignidad, pero seguimos votando o aceptando con la mayoría de nuestras acciones aquello que nos lacera, esa es la gran contradicción .
Juanita, I only must say the photos are often far from expressing the reality.. :)
Insomniamental, gracias por tu comentario tan bonito... Lo que has escrito sobre el Tamises a la puesta del sol me hizo recordarlo tan bien y la verdad es que es magnifico. Lo de Petersburgo es diferente, aunque entiendo que quieres decir comparandolo. Para mi siempre han sido dos paises incomparables, aunque siempre estaba fascinada con los dos.
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