Notting Hill

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Some photos from the trip to ... Notting Hill. Yep, one needs to use one's travel limitations to one's benefit. I was never the one to talk much about the country I live in - I could usually go on about the country I've been to for hours instead. It seems it's the time to change.. :)

So here is Notting Hill - or rather its popular Portobello Road area - in spring, when the weather is still chilly but the greenery is already in full bloom. On Saturdays Portobello Road turns into a Market, one of London's notable street markets, known for its second-hand clothes and antiques.

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Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

One of my favourite London clothes shops AllSaints Spitalfields was founded right here in Notting Hill.

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Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Portobello market also offers a great choice of good food and is a good place for coffees - I even managed to find some sweets from the chocolate factory from my native town in the Russian shop here - can you imagine?

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Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension

Spring is definitely the best season in the UK. It's climate gives the plants such a huge potential to grow - I have never seen such a variety and multitude of plants anywhere - including exotic ones - growing just like that in the middle of the street, park or passage - seemingly without any effort or help from outside. And if they do get help - they turn into magnificent gardens I will never get tired of taking pictures of. We are invited to a flower show this weekend(!), so I will definitely be posting some pictures of that soon.

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Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension
All photos by Olga&Arek

1 comment:

Insomniamental said...

Como siempre son hermosas tus fotos Olga. Me encantaron las de la cueva Smoo. En general todas tus fotos de Escocia tienen un hechizo particular que juga con mi imaginación hasta llevarme a tiempos pasados extrañamente tranquilos en medio del misterio que los envuelve.

Y qué decir de la mezcla entre naturaleza y antigüedades de Notting Hill, gracias por compartir esa belleza, espero con ansiedad más fotos de las caprichosas flores londinenses. Saludos