Images by Denis Allbertovich
Do you like Mondays? I think I get too relaxed during weekends, then it is too hard to discipline myself back into the working schedule.
Can we only appreciate weekends that much just because of the fact we are busy the rest of the week? Would weekends be equally great if we were not working at all? Probably not :)
definitely not! If we only could have weekends. :)
I hate Mondays ;-) Of course, the working week does make the weekend all the more special... I just wish they were a bit longer!
Thanks for the message about the Van Gogh exhibition in London, I'm definitely going to see it at some point :)
well i have always been of the view that Mondays make me blue :)... And i wouldn't mind a seven day weekend :D
I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, but I like weekends a little less than I like the working week, it's just that I get to do what I love during the week - i.e. everything associated with Textile Design - so although I enjoy the additional time I get to spend with my family on the weekend, I can never wait until it's over and I can get back to my wonderland again :) :) :)
Also, I just wanted to say that I LOVE!!! the above images, just gorgeous (where did you take them?), I so envy you, I'm stuck here in the heat down under (Australia).
Hi , Thanks for visiting my blogs ... i prefer European cinema to American ones, but there are always exceptions such as The Reader etc ... I like Kurosava's movies a lot ...Still exploring the world of cinema :D ... There r some interesting Bollywood movies such as 'Harazon Khwaishien Aisi' which are amazing ...
Ofcourse we consider weekend as the best part of the week because we are busy the rest part. The fact that we get tired during the working days makes us appreciate the relaxing ones. And yes, i don't like Monday...
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