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photo by Olga

A mix of sun and clouds; faluröd painted houses; watching deer from the window and deer watching you back; heavy skies; magic landscapes; stony lakes and thick fairy-tale forests; birch trees, crisp air; glasshouses and lit windows; the beauty of simple things; soft pronounced 'k's; the blond and the beautiful; the things vivid, almost popping with minimalism; no stuff, no burden, no identity - very reassuring in a way; lagom and how to learn swedish in 1000 difficult lessons ; this is how I remember my first days in Sweden.


Paralelo Longe said...

I understand what you've wrote about Sweden because I felt exactly the same when I traveled around Finland. Long drives without a living soul, thousand of trees around and only the quietness of the lakes and forests. I've been in Sweden also but, probably because of the places I've visited near the coast, I didn't get this quietness feeling.
So good to rest. So nice to enjoy some days along with our soul mate. Your blog always gives me an enormous amount of thrilling ideas to travel. Our mutual passion :)
LY Olga

Olga said...

Thank you for your kind words, Ti! I hope we will have a chance to travel together. Soon.