Everyone Is In London!

39 degrees of body temperature, strangely strong literary cravings, magic autumn lights, crispy colours and colds, China buffet in China Town, boat trip at sunset, sexy voice... and almost no voice at all, the Big Smoke, yet another reunion with old friends, foggy Sunday, enjoyment of work and 'planment' of b-day ...

... and too much paperpaperpaperworkworkwork to do. But that's next week..

This week I'm going back to Gdansk for a long weekend, which is going to be so much fun!! Overexcited :) Envy me!

Image Source,Photobucket Uploader Firefox Extension
this superb image is by Arek


Paralelo Longe said...

Hi Olga,

I see you are excited to go to Gdank and surely what you've mentioned about London is getting my full attention. London is one of my favourite cities around the world (New York is another one). There's always so much to see and to do. China Town and its little restaurants, the bookshops, shows, theaters. The Parks and infinite reasons to shoot my camera. Hope I can catch a nice weather.Hugs an have a wonderful weekend. TI

;) said...

Beautiful scene and photo...